Michelle Haven - Anterra Capital
Juergen Horn - Anterra Capital
Randolph Seidler - Peryton Biomedical GmbH

Animal health is a latent $100Bn+ opportunity for biotech innovators.
Historically orphaned, venture investors and entrepreneurs are awakening to the sector’s potential.
Pioneers have much to gain from the massive scale and accumulated experience of the human biotech innovation ecosystem that has been built over the last 40 years.
Successfully leveraging technologies, talent, capital, and strategies from human biotech can dramatically improve the chances of startup success in animal biotech.
This session will cover a deep dive into Anterra Capital’s strategic approach to investing in animal health biotech, including lessons learned in bridging the gap between human and animal biotech ecosystems. Areas of exploration include:
- The richness of opportunity in animal health biotech
- Strategies for entrepreneurs to rationally construct start-ups
- How new biotech investors should approach the sector
- What large biotech incumbents can learn from the pharma transition to externalizing innovation