Start-Up Development Partner

Matt Dobbs - Destination Pet
Gudrun Ravetz - Simply Health Professionals
Lauren Carde - Paul Dick & Associates

Five Companies to present for their technologies for financial investment or strategic corporate partnerships. Dragon’s Panel to Judge the companies for the ‘Innovation Award’ Audience to judge for the ‘People’s Choice Award’ Winners Announced at 16:30pm
Matt Dobbs - Destination Pet
Gudrun Ravetz - Simply Health Professionals
Lauren Carde - Paul Dick & Associates

Five Companies to present for their technologies for financial investment or strategic corporate partnerships. Dragon’s Panel to Judge the companies for the ‘Innovation Award’ Audience to judge for the ‘People’s Choice Award’ Winners Announced at 16:30pm
Book our Roundtable sessions through the Networking Tab:
Monday and Tuesday at 3.30pm
***Limited places available***
Strategic Advice for Start-Ups: Mentoring and Learning - An Interactive Experience.