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  • Real-time response for autonomous action
  • Only architecture that can leverage sparsity at the edge for low power
  • Fully programmable with standard frameworks and languages

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Sylvain Chouleur
Embedded Software Engineer

Mr Mahesh Makhijani
Head, Business Development

Orlando Moreira
Fellow and Chief Architect

Nuno Pires
Senior System Engineer

Remi Poittevin
Head of R&D AI Systems & Applications

Ashoka Visweswara
Director, Product Management

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PRESENTATION: Leveraging sparsity to enable ultra-low latency inferences demonstrated using GrAI One
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 11:25 AM - 11:50 AM
Orlando Moreira Remi Poittevin
Session Type
Virtual Session Link

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