PRESENTATION: Deep Dive on Innovation with Zoetis: How a Leading Company Thinks about Growth and R&D in Major LatAm Markets
Date & Time
Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Introduction: • The high level trends & growth factors and the opportunities present in the LatAm markets, for both companion animals and production animals. • The needs and drivers of customers, before and during covid-19 • New models for business operations in Brazil and across LatAm. • Partnerships that are of strategic interest to Zoetis. Second Part: • How Zoetis thinks about R&D specifically for LatAm markets • An examination of companion animal opportunities and then production animals • Examples of recent R&D breakthroughs or partnership that are making an impact in LatAm • Future opportunities that are of keen interest to the R&D team
Session Type
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