Full Name
Janet Nudelman
Job Title
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Speaker Bio
Janet Nudelman, MA, Director of Program & Public Policy, draws on over 30 years of experience working in the social change arena as a political organizer and lobbyist on women’s health issues. Under her leadership, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners advocacy efforts are playing an important role in making breast cancer prevention a priority in statehouses and the halls of congress and have resulted in the passage of 11 local, state and federal laws creating the nation’s first municipal precautionary principle ordinance; first statewide biomonitoring program to measure the pollution in people; enacting a California and federal ban on phthalates in kids toys; and securing passage of California legislation that requires the disclosure of the ingredients in professional salon products and cleaning products. Janet also directs BCPP’s 15-year old Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, which has raised consumer awareness of and demand for safe cosmetics and sparked the growth of a $15 billion safe cosmetics industry.
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