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Roundtable A: Top 5 Ideas on How to Match Corporate Procurer and Renewable Developer Demands/Expectations
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 4:30 PM - 5:20 PM
Steve Creighton Helen Dewhurst Majdouline El Aasemi Eduardo Gonzalez Sola Preben Munch
  • PPA Vocabulary (how do I persuade my Board?)
  • Duration of PPA contracts
  • Standardization
  • Availability of dedicated resources/team; how to choose advisors
  • latest market innovations in respect of PPA structures or pricings
  • Top priorities for a developer
  • Top priorities for a buyer
  • Convincing sceptical finance team
  • hidden risks” to a PPA that a new buyer might not be aware of, but should be
  • Other innovations and risk mitigation practices/strategies
Session Type
Roundtable Discussion
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