Modulating the Gut Microbiota Through FMT to Influence the Efficacy of Pd-1 Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 11:15 AM - 11:40 AM
Diwakar Davar

• Discover how the composition of the intestinal microbiome effect PD-1 checkpoint inhibition therapy. Is it causal or a correlation?

• Learn how to modulate the gut microbiome using FMT to improve response to Pd-1 checkpoint inhibition therapy from.

• What is the mechanistic understanding of the gut microbiome’s role in checkpoint inhibition and how does it differ in responders vs nonresponders?

• Understand the future clinical study plans to improve mechanism of action.

Session Type
Virtual Session Link
Session Themes
Microbiome in Oncology
On Demand