Full Name
Dr Itamar Netzer
Job Title
Ministry of Health, Israel
Speaker Bio
Itamar Netzer is a certified obstetrician and gynecologist, and former Fleet Surgeon of the Israeli Navy (Commander O4, retired). Currently studying Drug and Medical Device Regulation at the Israeli MOH. His career has the unique characteristics of professional military physicians in Israel, including both high-stakes and decision-making roles in the military, and a full medical professional career in a hospital. Publication: Itamar is the author or co-author of 15 medical articles and 2 book chapters on the topics of telemedicine, gynecology, or military medicine and presented hisacademic work extensively in international conferences. Honors: He was the recipient of two 1st prize awards given by the IDF Chief of the Technology and Logistics Directorate, for Medical Innovation (both awarded for digital transformation in occupational medicine).
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