Timezone This event will be taking place in PDT timezone.
Need assistance with your registration? Please call us on +44 (0)20 3696 2920 or email events@kisacoresearch.com
Payment Terms
  • All Prices are in USD
  • All Early Bird discount prices, including Group Discounts, must be paid in full by deadlines provided above.
  • Kisaco Research reserves the right to ensure that the correct pricing categories are applied to all registrants
  • Discounts cannot be combined with any other offer
  • Please view our Cancellation Policy

Sending Your Team? Group Discounts Available!

Book a Team of 3+ - Save an Additional 10% Off
Book a Team of 5+ - Save an Additional 15% Off

If you would like to register a team of 3 or more, please email events@kisacoresearch.com for your discount coupon code before registering. 

PLEASE NOTE: Discounts cannot be combined with Early Bird Pricing or any other discount or offer.