PANEL DISCUSSION: Contraception Panel
Date & Time
Tuesday, September 15, 2020, 12:05 PM - 12:50 PM
Stasia Obremskey Nelson Ambrogio Stephen Gerrard Amy Welsh Daniel Johnston
  • What does the pipeline for novel contraception (female controlled, hormone free) look like today?
  • How to move through the FDA space efficiently and cost effectively
  • What are the market opportunities for domestic and international companies?
  • Reasons for slow uptake and translation of research into practice
  • How can the field be de-risked for investors to start investing?
  • What needs to be demonstrated for the funds to start to flow into contraception innovation
  • External innovation strategies for strategic pharmaceutical brands
  • How women’s reproductive health may be shifting in terms of looking at all types of women (obesity, ethnicity etc)?
  • Digital contraception support –HCPs and payors views
Session Type
Virtual Session Link